Sunday, September 2, 2007

First Time To Do ..!

First time to be a master of ceremonies.

Today I woke up about 9.00 a.m. After I finish about routine. I went to university as normally but today I feel something, it look like I forgot something. I cann't remember untill my friend was call to me around 12.00 a.m. He told me that " we have 3 hour to ready about to introduce junior (at high school, I was graduate ). I sudden to know what is I forgot. Today we must went to introduce about university, about faculty and how to get ready before examination .Then I feel look like tomachache, headache and other. " I never to do it, this is my first time." I think.

I sudden to find many information about ABAC university, faculty of law, scholarship and quota but now I have 3 hour to find information and I know it too late.
The time was come, I went to high school. I don't know what I should talk, how to introduce my self, and other..... ( I very worry). I meet my old friend, they have 5 people (not count me). Now we have 15 minute for get ready but most of people donn't worry except me. Then we come to this room ( the room to arrange ).

In this room it have only girls (because teacher told me that if boys come to enjoy it not have seat and the room is already to full up)and it have more people than I think. My friend he start at about his experience and how he do before examination. (almost my friend is start to talk same him). Then he talk about his university and how to come to study. The most of people is interest him because he is good for entertant and he is very popular whan he since study at this high school. Than the secoud he from Thamasart unveisity, he is my close friend. absolutely the most of student is very interest about him becouse it have many people want go to study. He is very good to introduce and talk (I think because he study at faculty of social = ="). I talk in fifth.

My turn was come, I very worry about how to introduce. My hand was totter and more sweat ( now my friends is help me about spirit but it not enough for me = =;). I start to introduce about my self, I study at and what my faculty if I study. Then I talk about statistic of the people, who succeed and what the minimum and maximun score to get succeed. But I strongly to talk and maybe It will high strongly (my friends told me when I finish to talk). The state in the room become to strain. Untill my friend think it will be go to bad (I think). They interrupt about fuuny case but I not stop about my case and I stop them. They deside to cut my time and start to next person.

At last when we finish to talk, we come to talk about today (evaluate). surely about my case my friends told me it was vary strain. One of them told me that I should to choose my word and think before I talk. He know I want to give about emotion and fact information before examination but it too heavy for student in high school. Now I feel very bad. After that I during I come to study I meet junior ( In high school). She come to say hi and ask evething is she want to know. I feel little jumble because I think I talk very strongly and I think the student will hate me but she told me that she don't care and she know it is first for me to talk. Now I feel better ( ^ ^ ). Then I promise she, I will find more information for introduce. Now I think about activity will be cancel because after we finish to talk we can't decide about what a day is come back to introduce because we have final exam.

By. Excel.