Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Festival !?!

Loy-Ka-Tong Festival

Loy-Ka-Tong Festival is the one of festival in Thailand. Meaning of that festival is for adore the river by Thai people will create Ka-Tong (it make form banana tree) and on Ka-Tong they will use joss stick and candle, it show to adore. This festival is start at 2 week on November at full moon night.

Surely I like that festival so much because this festival is fun and I like to play fire-work. Today I hurry woke up and hurry to do habit. Today is meeting day for my group. I very exciting and happy feeling. On Afternoon I hurry come home and changes my costume. At meeting point I use a lot of time for wait ( 1 hour later my friend was come). Than we plan to do on to day and we decide that we will come to eat first. We come to Mau-Ka-Ta restaurant (this restaurant they must self-service). But we have problem before go to next plan because my friend, she go out with her boyfriend. We use many time foe wait them but they not come, I decide to go to find them. I meet them at temple and now I very angry, so I slag off her. When we come to restaurant, she starts to cry. The plan was cancel because she wants to go home. About her ace wants to go home to (during she gone, her boyfriend looking me look like he want to fight me). Then we think plan again, so we decide come to girlfriend of my friend. At her home we create Ka-Tong by them it so fun. Than we finish, we back to temple again for Lay-Ka-Tong. At temple it was busily and fun.

During I come home I feel bad about my friend. I think that she will be sad so much and I think I do it excessively. “What I should do?” I think that all the way.

By Excel.