Thursday, January 24, 2008


Seven day on (hell) Karw-Chon-Kai Mountain.
Past 1

Sooner this day was come. This day is I not like so much. Today I must went to ROTC camp at Karw-Chon-Kai Mountain. All of student who studies about cadet must be pass fieldwork and about this work is training at Karw-Chon-Kai Mountain.
Today I woke up at 4.30 a.m. (I can’t sleep because I very agog and worry too). After I do routine, I come to check me bags again before I go. I went to meeting point at 5.40 a.m. After I say bye my mom I hurry to came at meeting point but I feel that I forgot some thing. At meeting point was very seethe. Sooner I was thing that what I forgot. I forgot my hat. I hurry come to shop for buy hat. During I buy merchant ask me about what my class level and told me that what I should buy for use that camp and last he told me that about my level I very heavy (it make me afraid).
Than I come to meeting point for wait to go. During I wait I try to find my friends but I so hard because in this here have many cadet to go too. Sooner (Before a little time to come) my friends were come. We greet and huddle because we not want to lose.

The bus start at 6.00 a.m. We sit at middle of the bus. During we went, most of cadet in bus was sleep. We arrive at 10.00 a.m. First we come to history’ park. I this here we study about history of Thai war. I this here is very bored. Then we went to next meeting point.
We use a little time to come. Before we go to camp, we must worship monument of king of Thailand. I this here is a first test for them because we must stand with very hot light form the sun about 1 hour, most of people black out. After that we continue to go.
Sooner we arrive to camp. Sudden we out of bus we must lay down to the ground and roll on hot ground. Then we stand, we must run to the camp but soon we must do it again (lie on the ground and roll) we continue to do it until we arrive (much tried). In Karw-Chon-Kai Mountain on midday is very hot. Maybe look like desert. Not have tree and have only dust form sand.
After that we come to have lunch. I have lunch with pot is army use on alfresco, it very hot. We have 5 minute for have lunch before assemble. During we come to assemble I apart form my friends, so I stay alone with other cadet. We must find buddy for sleep in one tent and my buddy is from south Thailand, he name Tom. First time I very afraid him because his face was not friendship. And all of cadet must apart for set company. (I stay at company of 3, it name “white shark”).
At evening we study medicine in the war. It very bored. Most of cadets were sleep. To night we go to tent at 10.00 p.m. We must sleep on the ground, not have underlay, not have blanket, not have comfortable. We can’t take a bath and brush the teeth. And I must sleep with somebody is I don’t know. I hate this here and today is a very bad day. “I want go home” I grouch before I sleep.
By Excel.

Friday, January 4, 2008

New year Festival.

Happy (lonely) New Year.

Happy New Year festival is most popular. Many countries are celebrating and enjoy to party. And some of people use this day for change in themselves’ character. Some people use this day for benediction good thing. But some of people thing that this day is ordinary day.
Of course me too. This year is same other year. I stay alone at my home same other year. I woke up at morning since the sky was dawn. I knew this day was last day of year but I not feel happy. After I do routine and do everything finish. I use a little time for arrange food for give food offerings to a Buddhist monk. After that I don’t knew to how I should do on this day. My friends were gone to travel. My families have work and I not have girl friend for go with. It is bore day. After I kill a lot of my time for do something is nonsense. For example watch TV. , play PC games or try to sleep. I decide that I want to do some thing is differ of my routine. I choose to meander at The Mall.
At The Mall it was bustle. IT has many of people in this here. Some of them go with family. Some of them go with friends and some of them go with girl friend too. It has a little group is go alone same me. It makes me to bad feeling. I use a lot of time to read book at book shop and walk as not goal. Until I feel that the sky is come to dark, I decide to go home.
At home my family was come too. After I have finish dinner during go to bed, my family decides to go out. My mum wants to go for walk. First I chuck out but she ask (and use beat in to too). Before we go, we think that what we want to go. After we use thinking we decide to go at lat-ca-dam-nane road (near Wat-pa-kawe).
First we come to monument of past king at Government House. We come to benediction and take a photo in that here. Then we go around of lat-ca-dam-nane road. On that road is adorned with electric light. IT is very beautiful. At last we stay at Pa-lam-nine Bridge until the time is come. Many of fireworks is come to sky. IT was very beautiful. After that we decide to come home because we were sleepy.
Before I went to bed I check message on my phone. My friends were sent happy New Year message to me. I smile and think that this year is not same other year. Though I was stay alone but I not feel lonely. And last I was benediction and smile before sleep.
By Excel.