Friday, December 22, 2006

Game Zone

Ragnarok Online
Type. RPG Onlinegame / Chat

This game is one of my favorites game and my first online game is I play too. Ragnarok is a first game online in Thailand. I start to play that game when I was study in height school. Erelong that game is very poppular in teenager so far never gamemer is don't know that game.

Ragnarok story

After the long and gruesome war between God, Humans, and Demons... Scarred during the dangerous moments in battle, and avoiding total destruction altogether, the Humans, God and Demons entered a long truce

The 1000 years of fragile and forged peace...
In the land of Midgard, the existence of peace eventually led the humans to erase their memories of the scars and hardships of the wars in the past. Not remembering the faults of the past, culture was spreading throughout the land along with selfishness, corruption, and arrogance.

Then one day, strange occurrences started happening, breaking the balance that once existed in Midgard. There came a strange howl from the boundaries that divided the humans, God, and demons; creatures began attacking; increasing earthquakes and hail - and...The mysterious legend of demons...As the fragile peace began to fall apart, stories about the parts of Ymir, protecting the peace, began to spread among the adventurers. Forgetting the true nature of it, people set out to seek each of the pieces for their own selfishness, and the wealth that would come with it...

About the job character in Ragnarok

Novice : This a first character when you play. he/she can't use special skills, but there is the determination to achieve something with every movement of the knife.
After you get 9 basic skill you can change you job.

Swordman : Swordsman possess both strong physical attacks and defense, and ability to be a leader of all characters.

Mage : With much knowledge and intelligence, he/she was able to figure out ways to overpower an enemy by learning about the enemy ahead of time and planing appropriately.

Archer : Using bows, an Archer can different talents including skills that include the bow which can be used to attack at a distance assisting comrades, as well as restraining enemies.

Merchant : He/she has many different skills to utilize in selling items, as well as the ability to carry more items in the cart. There is also the skill Mammonite, which uses precious money and does damage that well meets the value of the money being used.
Thief : He/She doesn't have much physical strength, not allowing for long marches or battes, but amongst the chaos, he/she is skilled a confusing opponents and dodging their attacks.

Acolyte : he/she is a supporter that uses skills when used on others, increases their fighting abilities and heals them as well.

That all is simple. If you want to more information you should to play. I think not more or less will like that game same me but you should not more play until forget to learn, to eat and to sleep (same me). I think is not good. You should study first than play and if you want to know more about online game you can post on comment I will answer.(If I have free time.)
By. Axcel

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Life’s Daily.

Chapter 1

That day was important day. Many students wait and hope on this day. I will wait and hope on that day too because that day was we knew where is the university, we was choose.
‘Hey! Mean where is you choose?’ my friend call to me in the morning.
‘Ha ha I think you know it’ I answer.
Many my friends knew in my hope and they hope I can get in my hope too. In height school I was a good student, not make a problem to school. Miss the class only sick and not miss to bring homework for teacher. In my group, I was a study leader. Everyday my friends will ask my about homework and ask me what time to bring homework. I not smart and genius. I can get height G.P.A. because only my marks form homework.

Surely I hope I will go to university in my dream. That university was ranked many students want to get into, who want to be lawyer. This is my hope since I come to height school class. I want to be lawyer (since I hopeless to surgeon general).
‘Ok. You want go to temple with me?’ ‘We want go to achieve in matriculate’ my friend ask me.
‘Sure but what time and where?’ I answer.
’10.00 a.m., in height school’
‘Ok. See you soon’

In height school was silence because school was term ending.
‘Hi. Mean how are you?’
‘Fine.’ I answer with smile ‘What temple is we go?’
‘I don’t know.’ my friend answer ‘ First may we wait other friends.’

Erelong my friend was come and we was come to temple soon. We decide to went to Wat-pa-kaw and the temple anear Wat-pa-kaw.
‘What you benediction? Mean.’ My close friend ask me during I pay respect to the Buddha.
‘Succeed in my hope.’ I answer. ‘And you?’
‘Me too.’ He answer. ‘I hope I meet you in university too.’ My close friend answer and back to pay respect to the Buddha.

My close friend. Sometime he was challenger. He want to be lawyer same me. We promise that we will come to study together in university, I was hope to matriculate.
After that we see the sights around that area. It vary hot day but it was fun too. I think maybe it was last meeting in my group. Tomorrow may we will break away.

In the evening. This time was come. Time for look announcement, who can matriculate or not. I came to internet café and enter in my msn. In msn many students in class was online. They want to knew announcement. Surely not only students in my class will knew announcement. Many students in Thailand want to knew too. It result in internet network was error. I use long time for enter in bulletin board system.
Mean !! I can matriculate. Ha ha I can matriculate.’ The message was show in my msn during I try to enter in bulletin board system. That message from my close friend. I daresay he was very exult.
‘ But it not law. I get social science’ the next message was show. ‘Meinetwegen!’
‘ How about you?’ he ask me.
‘ I don’t know. Now I try to enter in bulletin board system’ I answer as anxious.

Suddenly I can enter. The announcement was show up. I saw the university code, I was choose. I move web page for found my conclusion. My heartbeat was throb.
I saw the red message on the web page. It write that ‘ไม่มีสิทธิ์สอบสัมภาษณ์’ ( It mean you fail. ) That time I felt the time was stop. Many message was continues to show on monitor. I still moment on armchair in front of monitor.

Monday, December 18, 2006

About me & My Family

Say Hi.

My name is Thitawan Nantha. My nickname is Mean. I’m of medium height and tan color skin. I’m shy and silence, like to listen than talk. I live in Bangkok since I born with my mother, aunt, grandmother and three brothers I’m second, no father same other family but we live with happiness. My hobby is read book, see movie and listen music. I not like to play any sport. In home I think I’m different than my brothers.

First brother he is tell man and tan color skin. He is very outgoing and cheerful. He smart in some skill and he is very lazy. He like to enjoy the party. Second he is my cousin but he live since we born and I think he is my brother too. He is of medium height and black skin. He is very outgoing and friendly. He is a problem brother. He not study same other brother, I don’t know why. Maybe his friends is not good. My mother isn’t like him. Now he can’t go home when my mother is come, I don’t know where he stay when he not go home. And last brother he is problem brother too. He is of medium height and tan color skin. He fat and no smart because his brain isn’t same other people when he was chide. He learn slow than other people. He start to talk when he was 5 year old and come to school in 8 year old. Now he improve to learn but it not more good. I think he want to long time to improve many himself.

Anyway I live with my family, I live with my pet too. I ever live with many pet. For example birds, fist, hamster, dog, and cat but many pet was death. Now I live with my dogs, four dogs. Two dogs come to my home by itself, I don’t know why. And two dogs my mother buy it. Sometime it very noisy but it is very useful. It help my house form thief for two time.

In my dream I ever to hope, I want to be surgeon general but I can’t. I fear. I not smart and genius. No brave than other people. However when I see the army I feel something. In my deep inside I want to be it. I promise in myself I will step to future, not go back to the past. Now I change my goal. I want to be lawyer. I want to learn outside height school and university. I think my dream isn’t height is I try (more try).


Thitawan is crazy