Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Meeting holiday

Chabu Chabu Meeting

Today is special day. It was important Buddhism day many peoples, who belive about Buddhism they will went to temple for celebrate. Absolutely I am Buddhism too but today I not went to temple but we are went to Chabu Chabu. = =;

Chabu Chabu it mean cooking by parboil from billycan. This avenue is from Japan. When we order about food, it have only fresh food. We must cooking by ourself from billycan. About fresh food we are not order from waitter but it went to our by itself (?!?). In that restaurant it have automeatic counter ? Why I call that ? Because it the counter it have pedestal for food but pedestal can move by automeatic so it restaurant is not have waitter for take order.

Anyway it have Suchi too. Suchi it mean the caboodle rice with food on top. About food may it fresh or cook. It eat with sauce (it call Shoyu) and Vasabi (it is green sauce and very spicy). I seldom like.

We meeting at The Mall on 13.00 p.m, I came first. After 30 minute my friends was come. In my group have about 10 peoples. Than we came to reserve. We choose Japanese's restaurant it name Chabuchi (I think it name is from Chabu + Shuchi). But it have many line.

I kill a time by went to bank, went to buy shoes and went to buy book but we line not come. We continue to wait about 30 minute. It too donkey's ages and too hunger.
After that we line was come but we must go a half' my group go first. In that restaurant we must do it by myself. Me and my friend is very fast (eat). In my agency it must cook about food and handpick food form counter (it not fair >.<). Then secound group was gome (my friend group). We eat about 40 - 60 minute. In friest time I feel very happy but in last time I feel bad because it very full up, I can eat any more = =; .

After we finish, we are move to different places. Some people went to see movie, shopping and come home. But my group went to play game. But we play erelong because in internet cafe' was suck. It's dark, bad smell and about computer is not update. We decide to go home after.

By Excel.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Are you ill Thitawan? I didn't see you for a while and you haven't written on your blog this week.