Thursday, February 7, 2008

ROTC Camp.

Last day but not last friendship.

Because of this is last post on this semester, so I abridge about my camp’ story. I will start at the last day at Karw-Chon-Kai Mountain.
Today I woke up at 3.30 a.m. It too dawn but we must do because yesterday we was woke up late and army’ trainer was very angry, so we was punish by him. It was much tried.
Sooner my friends were waked up. “Hurry up” Nas command. Nes he is a leader of batch and he is leader of company of soldiers too. He was funny and friendly but sometime I think that his character was amiss of leader. I hurry to keep my bags and check other item, I should keep. “Hi Mean it was have something wrong last night?” Mai ask me. Mai he came from Chreng-Mai. He was radio-army same me. Last night it was vary busy for radio-army because army’ trainer want to test us about us’ sense but I not do that because I was very sleep, so I offer to be duty at midnight.
“Nothing” I ask as sleepy. Then my entire friend in batch was wake up. Tom he is my close friend. We introduce since the first day in Karw-Chon-Kai Mountain. Pom & Ya they came from Chreng-Mai too. They are chef base my batch. And other but I forgot them’ name.
After that we move to center of barrack. Today we will come back battalion after we live in the forest at 2 day and to day is last day for train at here. We will come back home, so most of cadet was very happy. We wait about 30 minute until army’ trainer was wake up.
We use 1 hour to move to battalion. At battalion it a little hectic, I think that it was last day for live in here. After that we get back to some item, we borrow form army’ trainer. And army’ trainer sum up about all of trainer in this here and then it have some of friend deliver a speech, some people is funny to take but some of them is best to take. When ceremony was finish this time was come. This is time for say good bye. Many cadets were bargain to write information for contract. Some of people will take a photo it was funny time. But it to little. The bus was come for get back. This is good bye not have a tears but it have only smile. “Hey Mean I hope I will meet you on next years.” Tom told me. “Sure” I sudden to answers. Before I go to bus I look back to battalion and smile. “Hurry up Mean” my friend on bus told me. Goodbye Karw-Chon-Kai I will come back I thing and look back to Karw-Chon-Kai before the bus was go out.
By Excel.

Friday, February 1, 2008

ROTC Camp.

Seven day on (hell) Karw-Chon-Kai Mountain.
Past 2

This Day was start at 4. 30 a.m. It was very sleepy. After we exercise, we have 3 minute to do routine (it was very fast). Today White-Shark was go down to water first. After we have breakfast, we use 1 hour to go to base.
At base was having high tower and have wire in to lagoon. When we sudden come, we was punish by army’ trainer (crawl, couch, push-up). Than army
’ trainer was explain about this base and how to train this base and show about how to train (one army go down from tower by rope).
After that we must train this base. First I was very die laughing when I watch other cadet, some people were good to train but some of people were bad. Sooner my turn was come (After I go down and up many is the time because my rope is wrong bend and I must go down to amend bend) I feel afraid because it high and I think that I can’t do it but when my foot was pass from tower I feel excited. It was not too hard but not to easy too because when I go down from tower, it hard to control speed. When we finish, we come back to battalion for have lunch.

It the afternoon we was train “Quickly to pass river”. It start same morning, army’ trainer was explain about this base and how to train this base and show about how to train. When about explain was finish army’ trainer ask us that who can’t swim. First I think that I shouldn’t train because I can’t swim but I don’t know this time why I decide to play. I ask to army’ trainer and beg that I want to play. First he not agree but than change his answer but he told me that if I want to play I must go to train first (Oh my god!!).
After I change my costume for train this base I hurry go up to tower (now I was very shy and afraid). When one of army is exemplifying, my turn was come. Army’ trainer in tower teach my again about how to train again because they afraid that it have problem to me. I catch the rail and amass my boldness before I move rail to out of tower. Now I feel look like I’m fly, I like that feel until army’ trainer show flag signal for drop into lagoon. In the water I very afraid, I try to move but I feel dip into. Then I feel that it has some body catch me and move up from water. “Are you ok?” they ask me, I smile and nod. After they sent me at brink of lagoon, I move to next training.
At this base I must pass the river by buoyancy (It makes from army’ packet) with buddy. After my buddy was come, we come to train. About this training one of my hand must apprehend with buoyancy and other hand must catch rope for move. This base is not be afraid than first training. After I finish training I change my costume and desiccate my underclothes until the last cadet was finish this training. Then we come to battalion again for dinner and stand by for train next base.
It the evening we was train “Patrol in the night” First I think that this base was heavy than other training but it was not heavy as I think. First we come to this base by walk, we use half past one to come that base. In this base army’ trainer teaches us about how to train and told us about way back into battalion. This base was each by one category. During us back to battalion, I use this time to make to befriend other cadet in my category.
We come to battalion at 9.00 p.m. In battalion we listen about next plan in tomorrow before we go to tent. Today I must wake up to be on duty at 1.00 a.m. – 3.00 a.m. with my buddy (it was bad news). In tent I use a little time to befriend with my buddy before I sleep and before I sleep I think about tomorrow and think about this day.

By Excel.