Saturday, August 16, 2008

Thaksin and Rart-Cha-Da place case.

Nabbing Thaksin 'no easy task'
Thailand never ratified int'l corruption treaty

Efforts by Thai authorities to bring former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and his wife Khunying Potjaman to justice remain a pipe dream as Thailand has signed but not ratified an international treaty against corruption, according to public prosecutors.
After realising the difficulties of getting the couple back from the United Kingdom by extradition, authorities are now studying alternatives including using an international corruption treaty.
Sirisak Tiyapan, the executive director of the Office of the Attorney-General's International Affairs, said Thailand had signed the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) in 2006, but had delayed ratification of the treaty, which has made it impossible to enforce.
Had Thailand ratified the treaty, there would have been no need to seek extradition of the couple to stand trial in Thailand, he said. Under the terms of the convention, Thai authorities would have been technically able to have Mr Thaksin and his wife stand trial in a neutral country without having to seek their extradition, Mr Sirisak said. UNCAC's key areas cover corruption prevention, criminalisation and law enforcement, international cooperation and asset retrieval.
Mr Sirisak said Thailand had delayed ratification of the treaty because a review of several related laws, including the anti-money laundering law and the Criminal Code, has not been completed.
''I understand the review of legal issues related to the convention is under the responsibility of the Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry,'' he said.
Assoc Prof Prasit Piwawattanapanich, a law lecturer at Thammasat University, agreed there is little hope of bringing the couple back to Thailand.
The couple were indicted on corruption charges involving Khunying Potjaman's purchase of government land at deflated prices while Mr Thaksin was the prime minister. They have skipped bail and fled to London.
Mr Thaksin accused his political opponents of meddling in the judicial system and claimed his life was in danger.
Assoc Prof Prasit noted their escape to England had been calculated, saying the extradition process cannot proceed until the Supreme Court passes a ruling.
''As long as they are not found guilty, they remain only accused and there is nothing authorities can do about the couple. Mr Thaksin can wait until a verdict is handed down before he starts seeking political asylum,'' he said.
Meanwhile, the Supreme Court's Criminal Section for Holders of Political Positions yesterday rejected a request by the couple's lawyers to withdraw the case or have the Ratchadapisek land case suspended.
The couple's lawyers, led by Khamnuan Chalopatham, asked the court to withdraw the charges on the grounds that their clients did not require their services. They also asked the court to drop the case on the grounds that the defendants had fled overseas and were not considered to be still under the court's jurisdiction.
The court spent an hour considering the request and dismissed it, saying the request was a tactic to have the trial suspended. The court said the defendants abandoned their rights to fight the charges when they skipped bail. It also ordered the lawyers to continue representing the couple and presenting defence witnesses to the court.
Wichit Chuenban, a legal adviser for Mr Thaksin, said he suspected certain members of the Council for National Security (CNS), which was made up of key leaders of the coup that toppled Mr Thaksin, had vested interests in the decision of the Assets Scrutiny Committee's decision to seize 76 billion baht in assets from Mr Thaksin.
He said the ASC's decision to seize the assets could have been ''prescribed'' by the CNS, noting that the ASC's regulations states that anyone who gives tips about ill-gotten assets will receive a reward worth 25% of the seized assets.
My aspect about Thaksin news.About this case I think this law is not fair because this case about politician’ criminal is different than general criminal. Politician criminal is use section same general but it have some section is special legislate for judgement politician. About this law, why this law is not fair because when the courts are judging a case, they can judge without defendant and defender can’t appeal this case (it clash with the main of justice in Thailand). So about Thanksin case I think this decision is fair because the deal about Rart-cha-da place is illegal. He should to get punishment. But the judge should to give advantage to him for more litigation because all of people have justice right for prove them self about they are not guilty.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Mother day

Mother Day.

Today is one of special day. The government set this day of rest; many company about private and government service are close. Many people want to came home because they want to meet them’ mother. Some of people buy garland of give they mom. Today is call “Mother Day”
Mother's Day is a day honoring
mothers, celebrated on various days in many places around the world. It complements Father's Day, the celebration honoring fathers. About history many country are Different countries celebrate Mother's Day on various days of the year because the day has a number of different origins. One school of thought claims this day emerged from a custom of mother worship in ancient Greece, which kept a festival to Cybele, a great mother of Greek gods. This festival was held around the Vernal Equinox around Asia Minor and eventually in Rome itself from the Ides of March (15 March) to 18 March. The ancient Romans also had another holiday, Matronalia, that was dedicated to Juno, though mothers were usually given gifts on this day.In addition to Mother's Day, International Women's Day is celebrated in many countries, most often on March 8.
About my home is too. To day I not have class, my university was close. I woke up about 7.00 a.m. After I offer food to monk, I came to clean my house. Today my mom was come home and she like cleanness so much. I start to work since outside house, second floor. I use about 1 – 3 hour to finish this work, it was tried. Then I came to take a shower, so I want to buy some thing for my mom. I come out about 10.00 a.m., I coming to Sa-Pan-Put. At Sa-Pan-Put is one of place is popular about flowers. I reach this here at 1.00 p.m. Sooner I get one garland. About the garland most of people will give for they mom for show about thank, sorry and look up to mom.
I come back home at 4.00 p.m., my mom was come.
Today we will have dinner outside home
, sooner we will go. We have dinner at Reane-Rod restaurant. This restaurant locates at near lake in Som-Ma-Kon village. Sooner we have food was full on table. We not only eat but we use this time to take about family, for example plan in future, funny story and other. We come back home at 9.00 p.m. After my mom want to bad, I come to give garland. When she sees it, she was beam and chuckle. She embosoms and said that “thank you”, so I feel very happy. Before I come to bed, I come to embosom my mom again and said thank you too. To night I sleep with big smile.

By Excel.