Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Special Cadet Camp.

Welcome to cadet camp
Past 1

Today I woke up since dawn, it very sleepy. It a long time to wait this day. Today I will go to cadet camp, it trowing by senior on cadet wedsite.
I came to meeting point at 06.30 a.m. by my mom. The breakfast is a one muffin and milk, absolutely it not make me to full up.

In this here i got new friends. First his name Nut, he is younger than me and second he Mai, the friend other foundation his age is add up to me. Nut I think he is able about soldier, have leader skill and he have more experience than me. Maybe I think because he born in soldier family. Mai he is funny and he have more experience than me too. He is brave (maybe look like crazy) and very lovely his friends, I think because his foundation was make his charecter. And this here it have many senior and junior, they are very friendly and candid. About senior, they aren't brutal than I think. When the the time was due, we was start.

We start at the queen's battalion. In this here we have two activity, It be shooting and jump out of tower with wire. When we finish to do, we will get medal and sheepskin. I start at jump.

Frist I was laugh at the other cadet, who was jump friest. But when my time was came I can't laugh because the tower is very high. A past in my mind was fear but the side of mind want to jump. I want to get medal, I cram in my mind. Suddenly I decide to jump, frist time it very fear but erelong it was vary fun (WoHoo !! I like it).
About the shooting it very easy for me. I got a top of score (80 from 100)

After that we went to navy's battalion. Frist we went to worship the important statue of people. The navy call it that "Sa-det-tear". Many navy in Thailand was esteem. Than will went to test of mind (navy model) in the night. About the test we will go into the forest with one buddy.
Amid of way we will test. Frist test I must eat someting is I don't know. In
this test I was many barf because the one of I eat I suddun to know it is the feed of pet and other it is a relish of thailand but I don't like it so much. The test number two I much touch something in box. I sudden to know want I touch it. It is a toad, frog and eel. The last test they want to test the fear. We should to register in front of coffin and during we register it have dummy fall out of tree. I feel very kidding than fear.

At last when we finish to test, we will went to routine (bath, brush the teeth, other...) and go to bed many peple were sudden to sleep but not only me. I use a little time to does homework and read the book. Before I went to sleep I think about the future. " I want to know what we will do in next day" I think.

By Excel.

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