Sunday, August 26, 2007

Special Cadet Camp

Welcome to cadet camp
Past 2

In the morning we woke up at 6.00 a.m. After we do routine ( shower, brush the teeth, ... ), we went to exercise. Durring we do, we see many navy do exercise to, they are very vigorous and healthy so much. When I see, I think to past (I ever to want to be military). Then we come to keep appliance for continue to travel to next activity.

In the morning we get bad news from senior, they cut of some activity in them'plan because we not have time to go and have some accident. When we know some people show little pungent emotion. We start to worship marine corps's remembrance. In this area it very shady and peaceful, I like this area. Then we went to marine corps's museum. In this here is compile about marine corps since past to present. It have reproduce about marine corps in war, marine corps's unifrom and other about marine corps. In this here I feel very deplore because I want to buy souvenir but I not have money (so sad).

After that we back to marine corps's camp agian for jump form tower. This tower is fear than yesterday because they use long rope than yesterday'camp. When we jump, we feel look like almost come to floor. After we finish it have decorate medal's ceremony. In ceremony I think the trainner satisfy about me (jump form tower). After he decorate medal for me, he pound as strongly on my chest (on medal). It make me to cough but I feel very proud.

Then we went to A.V.'s battalion (A.V. mean the tank is can go to floor and in water to). In battalion we feel pungent because in plan we should go to sea by A.V. but they change plan. We will use A.V. go in to pool near battalion than go to sea (= = ;). Then we come to the center of conserve sea'turtle for have lunch and praise. About me I feel very bore because I often come to this here when I study high-school. Next we come to praise Thai's warship at navy' camp in this here we can go into Jak-ke-na-ru-bate (a main of Thai's warship). In this here I not excite because I ofter to come this here too.
At last we come to nong-mon (centre of gift in this province) In this here I feel like (not love = =;) market women but I can't to know about her because I don't know how to court and I not have money (I think I should use more money for buy some think in her's market).

About this activity it not better than I think because they cut of excite's activity but I know they do because it's save a time and have some accident. Some people satisfy, some people pungent but about me I think if may some plan is not same I think of it not all bad. This is frist time for senior for make that activity. I cann't think the all of activity will perfect but generally it fun and I like it (^ ^).

By Excel.

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