Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Friday Party.

Friday Party.

This is last workday on week. Most of people are hurry to go home. Some people use this day for meeting. Surely my group too. But we have a little problem because this day is assemble day too and this assemble is make by senior, we don't like them.
Today I woke up at 7.00 a.m. I hurry to habit because I have class at 9.00 a.m. During I came to university I use a little for catnap (I unused for early woke up). I reach beforehand class and come to have breakfast. Than I came to class and learn same normally. In the morning I study introduce of economic, it too hard because I hate arithmetic so much. When I finish I come to internet cafe’, I kill time by play PC game. I have ethics class at 3.30 p.m. In ethics is so bored, I use a little time for sleep and talk with my friends. About ethics test we help by own self, we fast to do. I finish all of class on today at 5.20 a.m. Then I come hurry went meeting point.
About meeting point. We plan to meet at BKK steak restaurant. Before I went to meeting point I came to my friend' room, this is meeting point on my group. We wait for due before we go. At the restaurant is so hum. We wait until the senior was due but the hum does stop, it make my friend to angry because he want to talk about his work in club but doesn't have one of people in conference listen him. We use a lot of time of talk about the club because most of people does interest it. Before we abolish, senior who graduate from university test our by little game, I can read the meaning of game before game was start.
Then we finish about assemble of club. We hurry come to next meeting point same plan. At the restaurant is Japanese restaurant. About the food is dainty and the cost is reasonable. We use a lot of time for eat, talk and other ( usually we only eat). When we already to finish, some of senior came to join with them. This party is too small but it's so friendly.
During I came home I though about relationship between my group and senior group. I though we should use most of time for make relationship. I don't know about answer and why but I feel that.


1 comment:

Jasper said...

I never liked arithmetics myself either. But some things you just have to do. Just try to make the best of it!