Sunday, June 22, 2008


Summer at Trang
Past 2

“Hey Mean!! Wake up” he arouse me. The sky was dark and I was sleepy. Its 1.00 a.m. this time for work but what work, I was confused. “Change your custom now, we must hurry to work” my friend told me. I use time for routine around 30 minute but I still confuse about work. “What work” I asked my friend again but he doesn’t answers. Sooner we are ready to work, about custom compose with dark coat, dark jeans, boots and flashlight (it’s fit on head). We take a weapon too (scythe and gun). Than we go out by motorcycle. Now I was know that what work is.
The work is patrol his rubber plant ‘garden. My friend told me that we must work on night because about rubber plant can crop only night, it like cold. And thief likes to steal on night too, so this is reason that why we must have weapon. During we work we have body guard too. My friend’ dog is following us too. Rubber plant ‘garden on night was dangerous because it’s locate is on mountain and it’s to dark. Sooner we were reaching to first point. In this here have 2 workers, they doing work. About work is keep latex. When they want to keep it, they will use billhook and cut only face. Sooner latex is flow into cup (for keep latex). Than they we wait latex to be full. It look like to easy but they must work about 50 – 100 trees. They are use to much time to finish this work (until morning). We stay on this point around 30 minute – 1 hour and move on next point, so we use about 15 – 30 minute to reach next point. In garden at night look like dangerous but it to beautiful too. I can see something is in the city doesn’t have. One of thing is firefly; it looks like the star on sky. And last point we went at top of mountain, this is first time for me to saw the sea of cloud. Sooner the sun was come. First I think that we are finish to work but isn’t. When we get latex, we must process it to be rubber tree. At last the work was finish at 9.30 a.m., so I went to sleep again. “It was tried day” I think that before I sleep.
By Excel.

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