Thursday, July 10, 2008


Summer at Trang
Past 3

Today I woke up same other day, in that here. This is 6 day is I abide at Trang, so I never went to real travel but today is free day for me and my friend. Before the day was come, we move to the house in forest to the house in city (my friend have one house in city) because we should arrange some item to use went we travel and plan about what we want to travel. This trip on have only me and my friend but his young brother was go with to. We woke up at 6.00 a.m. for check luggage again and check about guide too. We use 2 hour for went to meeting point. During we want, we take break for have breakfast. This is first time is I ate Trang’ breakfast. The breakfast in Trang wasn’t same Bangkok. They will ate Tim-sum and bun and last one is popular food is Mu-Yang (Grill pork), it to delicious.
Sooner we came to meeting point. We should meet guide for travel. About the price to use to travel is too cheap because his young brother is associates with daughter’ guide. After that we follow the guide to port for wait other tourist. After 30 minute we was go. First point was we go is call “Koh-Ma-nee”. This place is most popular in Trang. After we come to this place, we must pass the cave by swim. First I was scare because I can’t swim but when I go into sea I feel excited. The sea in Trang was beautiful, too clear and clean, have many fish and the temperature just right. We pull away and swim until we came. Suddenly I came I can remember this place because this place was use to many movie but it to differ, it to beautiful than I saw on TV. We have 1 hour to see on this place, so I use much time for take photo.
Next point we came to “Koh-Ka-Dan”. This here is one of popular too because most of foreigner like to came for rest on this place and this place ever to welcome Miss Thailand Universe too. We have lunch on this place. After I take photo, I siesta under big tree. It’s too happy.
Next we Come to “Kah-Cherak” (Kah-rob) the name is from past that most of fisherman was come to rest on this place, so if they come here, they will use rod for stop them boat. In this place we were swim to see coral by snorkel. It’s too beautiful but after we up to boat I feel itch too much. I don’t know why, maybe from coral or fish.
And last point is “Kah-Muk”. This place is only place can see sea anemone, it was violet color and have something like whisker on top of it. In this place we were break on this here, I was eating the cake, and it was famous of Trang.
Then we use 3 hour to go back to house in city. When we come, I sudden went to sleep. I was tried. But before I sleep I feel something, one side it too happy but one side I feel regret because tomorrow I must go back to Bangkok. Sooner I was sleep by involuntary.
By Excel.

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