Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cadet Wai-Kru

Cadet 's Wai Kru day.

Today is one busy day. I should go to cadet school for get about cadet camp. I wroke up since the sun was not up. It so sleepy and hungry. I must arrive befor 7.00 a.m. because they will train wri kru culture. In cadet school is very busy. It have many people if I never see. some people is from provincial. I was hurry to meeting point (In fact not have my name in the list). We use times for check name and add name.

Then we come to trainning square in front of ceremony's area at 7.30 a.m. If in morning but it hot same midday. We start to train before chairman was come. We train a lot because trainner isn't like and I think them not ready for many ceremony. We use a half of hour for finish about wai kru trainning.

It so very bored and hot day when we start to do ceremony but it not all bad. I get a new friend. If I don't know about his name but I know he from Chulalongon University. I think he is very smart but his face is not. We account about how good or bad ceremony. It good for killing times.

About cadet Wai kru ceremony it same other place. We will start to adore Buddhism. We get down about 4 - 5 article and start to adore teacher after. About adore teacher it look like we read chapman . Adore teacher's meanning is told benevolence teacher and show about adoration for teacher and we finish by bless teacher is will get evething is good. Finally is a main of cadet Wai kru ceremony. We will give festoon and trees ( it differ. Is a wai kru ceremony they will give tray with flower and one of tray is have joss stick and candle.) It show about adoration for teacher.

When I finish about cadet wai kru I hurry to be into senior, who chairman of cadet camp. I meet him after but I will know about bad news. because I foegot to send mail to senior befor, so he cann't do about my information for go camp. I must be into him later.

I come back home with bad feeling. This is my wrong again but it not all bad. Then I should go to university for study again. It not good to me if I absent in class, I Think.

By. Excel.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

What information did your senior need?