Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Festival !?!

Loy-Ka-Tong Festival

Loy-Ka-Tong Festival is the one of festival in Thailand. Meaning of that festival is for adore the river by Thai people will create Ka-Tong (it make form banana tree) and on Ka-Tong they will use joss stick and candle, it show to adore. This festival is start at 2 week on November at full moon night.

Surely I like that festival so much because this festival is fun and I like to play fire-work. Today I hurry woke up and hurry to do habit. Today is meeting day for my group. I very exciting and happy feeling. On Afternoon I hurry come home and changes my costume. At meeting point I use a lot of time for wait ( 1 hour later my friend was come). Than we plan to do on to day and we decide that we will come to eat first. We come to Mau-Ka-Ta restaurant (this restaurant they must self-service). But we have problem before go to next plan because my friend, she go out with her boyfriend. We use many time foe wait them but they not come, I decide to go to find them. I meet them at temple and now I very angry, so I slag off her. When we come to restaurant, she starts to cry. The plan was cancel because she wants to go home. About her ace wants to go home to (during she gone, her boyfriend looking me look like he want to fight me). Then we think plan again, so we decide come to girlfriend of my friend. At her home we create Ka-Tong by them it so fun. Than we finish, we back to temple again for Lay-Ka-Tong. At temple it was busily and fun.

During I come home I feel bad about my friend. I think that she will be sad so much and I think I do it excessively. “What I should do?” I think that all the way.

By Excel.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Friday Party.

Friday Party.

This is last workday on week. Most of people are hurry to go home. Some people use this day for meeting. Surely my group too. But we have a little problem because this day is assemble day too and this assemble is make by senior, we don't like them.
Today I woke up at 7.00 a.m. I hurry to habit because I have class at 9.00 a.m. During I came to university I use a little for catnap (I unused for early woke up). I reach beforehand class and come to have breakfast. Than I came to class and learn same normally. In the morning I study introduce of economic, it too hard because I hate arithmetic so much. When I finish I come to internet cafe’, I kill time by play PC game. I have ethics class at 3.30 p.m. In ethics is so bored, I use a little time for sleep and talk with my friends. About ethics test we help by own self, we fast to do. I finish all of class on today at 5.20 a.m. Then I come hurry went meeting point.
About meeting point. We plan to meet at BKK steak restaurant. Before I went to meeting point I came to my friend' room, this is meeting point on my group. We wait for due before we go. At the restaurant is so hum. We wait until the senior was due but the hum does stop, it make my friend to angry because he want to talk about his work in club but doesn't have one of people in conference listen him. We use a lot of time of talk about the club because most of people does interest it. Before we abolish, senior who graduate from university test our by little game, I can read the meaning of game before game was start.
Then we finish about assemble of club. We hurry come to next meeting point same plan. At the restaurant is Japanese restaurant. About the food is dainty and the cost is reasonable. We use a lot of time for eat, talk and other ( usually we only eat). When we already to finish, some of senior came to join with them. This party is too small but it's so friendly.
During I came home I though about relationship between my group and senior group. I though we should use most of time for make relationship. I don't know about answer and why but I feel that.


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Halloween's Day

Halloween’s Party.
Therewith that day was come. The day was looking like awful but it was very fun night for me. The night was many chills were wearing same ghost and enjoy with theme’s candy. Surely this is Halloween's day.

Today was meeting day between senior and junior in club too. My friend, he name Top he is a leader and plan about activity before this day will came. We stared to invite members in this club, most of them are agreeing. He talks to me (and my group) and asks and wants to know opinion about activity for doing on Halloween day. We try and plan about activity for surprise senior in party.
This day was came I woke up same other day. After I finish my routine, I hurry came to university. I study, sleep and does everything same other day. It so bored but when I though about party on evening, it make me happy. But sooner daydream was buckle when my friend call to me on afternoon before the party will start. He calls me that most of members was cancel and not came to this party. About reason it very paltry. For example sick, it's order of my family and other. I ask about the party, he told me that now the party have 3 junior (me and 2 my friends). But he never to cancel this party because he promise with juniors.
It was bad news on today. I think this is bad plan for destroy my group. Now I feel bad but I can’t go back. I hurry came to change my uniform and come to student’s hall. Sudden I came, we decide to come in party but the luck not helps us. It was traffic jam. We use most of time to come to party. Surely most of seniors were wait us. About meeting point, we will meet at front of Paragon. It was very seethe. We use a little time for find senior. After we meet senior we came to restaurant same plan. During we have dinner we talk about what happen on today, where are most of member in club but we can’t answers. But after we talk about this case and what we thing about this case. After we finish senior promise about we want to revise about that problem.

Then we finish dinner we came to night market Rd. at Tok-kaw-san Rd. It first time for me. It very seethes but it fun I like it. It has many people and pub on road. Same people are very crazy (one of them was catch by police because he not wearing everything except his underwear). We use a most of time to walk and enjoy this party on this road. Than we finish to enjoy this road, one of senior offer guide to pub on se-rom Rd and came to this pub (one of senior back to home because it deep night). At Se-rom pub it very seethe most of people in pub was crazy. I know they potted but why they not finish. About me this is first time for me. I not like it but I try to enjoy because courteous senior. First eve thing it OK but after that it have some lady in pub come to dance with me (my senior too). She gives alcohol to me and try to wheedle. Often I try to came in my group but lady was try to catch me to dance with her too. I not like it (because she come with boy friend = =“).

We finish at 4.30 a.m. I came home alone. During I come home I think about this party and about relation in club. I think may we will have problem in club in future but not now. About in pub I think it not my place, I like it but I not like alcohol (it's so bitter >.<) and I not like lady in the night. I like to learn and I thing everything in the night for learn not for life.


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Welcome to second term.

Time over for siesta.

“It too fast for wake up”I though before term begin. I'm not felt, I got to rest because I must continue to read book for did final exam again. In fact because I apply at Ramkamhang too and on October was final exam’s month, so when I finish at Assumption University on September I sudden to ready for did final exam at Ramkomhang University. Some people though it's too heavy for them but I not think so. I though " if I hard to try I will get succeed after. (But now I think it's too much)

OK. Let to talk about my activity on last weekend. Last weekend I still to read book because Ramkamhang university wasn't break up. Some time I share my time for rest. For example watched TV, Played with puppies or play PC games but it's not enough. I still keyed up; I know the final exam make me crazy.

Someday I came to meeting with my friends. We use a most of time for rest. For example watched movie, eat great food, and court a lady (555). Surely it's very good for rest and removes stress but it's very good for remove money too.
Someday I try to remove it (stress). I enjoyed with the members in cyber-board. About the
activity was we does, I think it to differ from other people (the way to remove stress). About us activity is training same soldier (maybe it light than solder). We run, couch, craw and bawl. We shot and train same commando (maybe light than commando). It's very fun and great to remove stress but it's used more money too.

This is a part of my activity on last weekend. Everything look like dream and now it's time was over for siesta. I still ready for did final exam at Ramkamhang University (it was finish at 31 October) and Assumption University was term begin. It's not time for slap but it's time for ready, it’s not time for fancy but it's time fight. I knew I want to rest, want to play and want a freedom but I can't do it now. Because I has agency, I has dream and I has goal for come.
By Excel.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

First Time To Do ..!

First time to be a master of ceremonies.

Today I woke up about 9.00 a.m. After I finish about routine. I went to university as normally but today I feel something, it look like I forgot something. I cann't remember untill my friend was call to me around 12.00 a.m. He told me that " we have 3 hour to ready about to introduce junior (at high school, I was graduate ). I sudden to know what is I forgot. Today we must went to introduce about university, about faculty and how to get ready before examination .Then I feel look like tomachache, headache and other. " I never to do it, this is my first time." I think.

I sudden to find many information about ABAC university, faculty of law, scholarship and quota but now I have 3 hour to find information and I know it too late.
The time was come, I went to high school. I don't know what I should talk, how to introduce my self, and other..... ( I very worry). I meet my old friend, they have 5 people (not count me). Now we have 15 minute for get ready but most of people donn't worry except me. Then we come to this room ( the room to arrange ).

In this room it have only girls (because teacher told me that if boys come to enjoy it not have seat and the room is already to full up)and it have more people than I think. My friend he start at about his experience and how he do before examination. (almost my friend is start to talk same him). Then he talk about his university and how to come to study. The most of people is interest him because he is good for entertant and he is very popular whan he since study at this high school. Than the secoud he from Thamasart unveisity, he is my close friend. absolutely the most of student is very interest about him becouse it have many people want go to study. He is very good to introduce and talk (I think because he study at faculty of social = ="). I talk in fifth.

My turn was come, I very worry about how to introduce. My hand was totter and more sweat ( now my friends is help me about spirit but it not enough for me = =;). I start to introduce about my self, I study at and what my faculty if I study. Then I talk about statistic of the people, who succeed and what the minimum and maximun score to get succeed. But I strongly to talk and maybe It will high strongly (my friends told me when I finish to talk). The state in the room become to strain. Untill my friend think it will be go to bad (I think). They interrupt about fuuny case but I not stop about my case and I stop them. They deside to cut my time and start to next person.

At last when we finish to talk, we come to talk about today (evaluate). surely about my case my friends told me it was vary strain. One of them told me that I should to choose my word and think before I talk. He know I want to give about emotion and fact information before examination but it too heavy for student in high school. Now I feel very bad. After that I during I come to study I meet junior ( In high school). She come to say hi and ask evething is she want to know. I feel little jumble because I think I talk very strongly and I think the student will hate me but she told me that she don't care and she know it is first for me to talk. Now I feel better ( ^ ^ ). Then I promise she, I will find more information for introduce. Now I think about activity will be cancel because after we finish to talk we can't decide about what a day is come back to introduce because we have final exam.

By. Excel.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Special Cadet Camp

Welcome to cadet camp
Past 2

In the morning we woke up at 6.00 a.m. After we do routine ( shower, brush the teeth, ... ), we went to exercise. Durring we do, we see many navy do exercise to, they are very vigorous and healthy so much. When I see, I think to past (I ever to want to be military). Then we come to keep appliance for continue to travel to next activity.

In the morning we get bad news from senior, they cut of some activity in them'plan because we not have time to go and have some accident. When we know some people show little pungent emotion. We start to worship marine corps's remembrance. In this area it very shady and peaceful, I like this area. Then we went to marine corps's museum. In this here is compile about marine corps since past to present. It have reproduce about marine corps in war, marine corps's unifrom and other about marine corps. In this here I feel very deplore because I want to buy souvenir but I not have money (so sad).

After that we back to marine corps's camp agian for jump form tower. This tower is fear than yesterday because they use long rope than yesterday'camp. When we jump, we feel look like almost come to floor. After we finish it have decorate medal's ceremony. In ceremony I think the trainner satisfy about me (jump form tower). After he decorate medal for me, he pound as strongly on my chest (on medal). It make me to cough but I feel very proud.

Then we went to A.V.'s battalion (A.V. mean the tank is can go to floor and in water to). In battalion we feel pungent because in plan we should go to sea by A.V. but they change plan. We will use A.V. go in to pool near battalion than go to sea (= = ;). Then we come to the center of conserve sea'turtle for have lunch and praise. About me I feel very bore because I often come to this here when I study high-school. Next we come to praise Thai's warship at navy' camp in this here we can go into Jak-ke-na-ru-bate (a main of Thai's warship). In this here I not excite because I ofter to come this here too.
At last we come to nong-mon (centre of gift in this province) In this here I feel like (not love = =;) market women but I can't to know about her because I don't know how to court and I not have money (I think I should use more money for buy some think in her's market).

About this activity it not better than I think because they cut of excite's activity but I know they do because it's save a time and have some accident. Some people satisfy, some people pungent but about me I think if may some plan is not same I think of it not all bad. This is frist time for senior for make that activity. I cann't think the all of activity will perfect but generally it fun and I like it (^ ^).

By Excel.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Special Cadet Camp.

Welcome to cadet camp
Past 1

Today I woke up since dawn, it very sleepy. It a long time to wait this day. Today I will go to cadet camp, it trowing by senior on cadet wedsite.
I came to meeting point at 06.30 a.m. by my mom. The breakfast is a one muffin and milk, absolutely it not make me to full up.

In this here i got new friends. First his name Nut, he is younger than me and second he Mai, the friend other foundation his age is add up to me. Nut I think he is able about soldier, have leader skill and he have more experience than me. Maybe I think because he born in soldier family. Mai he is funny and he have more experience than me too. He is brave (maybe look like crazy) and very lovely his friends, I think because his foundation was make his charecter. And this here it have many senior and junior, they are very friendly and candid. About senior, they aren't brutal than I think. When the the time was due, we was start.

We start at the queen's battalion. In this here we have two activity, It be shooting and jump out of tower with wire. When we finish to do, we will get medal and sheepskin. I start at jump.

Frist I was laugh at the other cadet, who was jump friest. But when my time was came I can't laugh because the tower is very high. A past in my mind was fear but the side of mind want to jump. I want to get medal, I cram in my mind. Suddenly I decide to jump, frist time it very fear but erelong it was vary fun (WoHoo !! I like it).
About the shooting it very easy for me. I got a top of score (80 from 100)

After that we went to navy's battalion. Frist we went to worship the important statue of people. The navy call it that "Sa-det-tear". Many navy in Thailand was esteem. Than will went to test of mind (navy model) in the night. About the test we will go into the forest with one buddy.
Amid of way we will test. Frist test I must eat someting is I don't know. In
this test I was many barf because the one of I eat I suddun to know it is the feed of pet and other it is a relish of thailand but I don't like it so much. The test number two I much touch something in box. I sudden to know want I touch it. It is a toad, frog and eel. The last test they want to test the fear. We should to register in front of coffin and during we register it have dummy fall out of tree. I feel very kidding than fear.

At last when we finish to test, we will went to routine (bath, brush the teeth, other...) and go to bed many peple were sudden to sleep but not only me. I use a little time to does homework and read the book. Before I went to sleep I think about the future. " I want to know what we will do in next day" I think.

By Excel.