Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wai kru's day

To day I have date wait my friends. We are gone to meet teacher in high school. I woke up at 6.00 a.m. than I toke shower, cooked breakfast and does home work. After finish I called my friends for ask where are meeting point. We decided to date at bus stop in front of Summakron village, I came first. During I wait, I cast about garland for salute teacher. I bought it about one hundred and fifty bath, its look like expensive but worthy for this day.After half hour my friends were come. He want to buy garland too, He bought a lot. Than we came to high school by taxi. In high school it same my age. But it’s having some differ. They cut a lot palm for build forecourt. It's have a lot students. When I see them, I felt since I study.We decide to meet friend's adviser first.

In third we met friend’s adviser. She looks like happy when she met us. I apart and gone to find my adviser too. I met her at fifth I salute and told a lot. She ask me about my university record and my condition and when I answer, she look like worry. It's make my feeling bad too. Then I came to find next teacher. He is teacher's arithmetic. I talk little because he has class for teach.

After that I come to met friends at canteen. We talk about guide's day for junior.Finally I came to university for study. I still worry about my future. I don't know this way is I choose I best for me. I not sure for my goal.
By. Excel

Monday, June 18, 2007

Busy Apply
Past 2

I woke up at 6.00 a.m. and now I very busy. Because I should woke up since 5.00 a.m. but my alarm was broken. I must go to installation at 7.00 a.m. and I have only one hour to gone. I too far and this time is very busy (work time city). I decide to gone by taxi. It's very fast but very expensive too. I arrived at 6.40 a.m. but I not ready to apply because I not change logo no my shirt. I came to tailor but it's easy, it have many people for change logo too. I use many time for wait. Than I came to meeting point. In that here I get new friend (he's senior too). He is funny and kind (Sometime he looks like kid too = ="). We came to wait apply but is too long for waiting, so I came to ask my adviser. But now I sudden know because I forgot to assign my application ( = ="). We use a little time to finish apply (too fast than i think). After I came home, I sudden to toke shower but during I came to bad, it have ring on my phone. My friend call to my that he want to lead on Ramkamhang univercity, he want to apply (apply again). I went out again to apply. But I should came back to home again because I must to change my costume ( = ="). I came to Ramkamhang University at 14.00 a.m. (it's too hot). I hurry to come to meeting point, my friend was long waiting. When I arrived I meet somebody, I don't know. My friend told me she is senior for help freshman. She is very kind and friendly. Ramkamhang University was very friendly when I lost way or not understand about how to apply, they are come to help all day long. Apply in Ramkamhang University was so tired than ABAC because I must go to building to building by walk, It's so far. I went upstairs to downstairs and downstairs to upstairs again. I use two hour for finish apply but my friend can't apply because he forgot his's ammo. After that we are move to different places, he must went to police station and I want to came back home. When I came home I sudden went to sleep. It's is busy weekend (I think again = =").
By Excel.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Busy in weekend...

Weekend Weakend
Past 1

Today is weekend many people use this day to rest but not me.I have many work (homework too) to does it.I woke up at 8.00 A.M. I very sleepy and hungry. Today I must gone to renew my scholarship in ABAC than gone to buy cadet's costume. After I think my plan I sudden to taken shower and does my busy in home.(clen my house and cook)I got out as bored (be in sleepy).'It too morning for me' I think. I reach in ABAC at 10.00 A.M. It very hot and busy. It have many cars, many men, many annoyance. I sudden gone to C building and ask about 'how to renew scholarship?'. She told me that 'you must does to Bangna campus and go to CL building on 14 floor.('Arr.. it too far'. I think.)Before I gone I saw many people in law'student zone. They are very busy. I hear something form them, I thing thay talk about freshcy's camp but I not sure. Then I decided came to ask them and on the beam. They will come to camp. I very confuse so I ask again 'what time to go'.and they answer (as confuse too). They will go to day now. Suddenly I hear I very angry because I never to know that camp day but I pay too much money to go. I ask them about my problem but them no care. They told my that 'It your awry you are not contact to senior.' Than I hear I exploded to them and gone out of ABAC. 'Not contact to senior' I Think as very angry. 'suck senior' I murmur. I came to ABAC (Bangna campus) by van. When I reach, I sudden gone to CL building on 14 floor. In ABAC it very beautiful and attractively. Many building look like Eulope stiy. When I came It have many people wait to renew same me. I called to my mother for assign my ammo. I wait, wait and wait. It's too late,

I think. My mother arrived at 14.00 P.M. I use many time for renew but it's not yet because my ammo is deficient. I came home at 17.00 P.M. It's too late for buy cadet's costume, I think. But I not finish I must go to my mother for contact his'busy. Arr.. It very busy day I want to rest,

I think(again = =")

By Excel.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Introduce Again?

My information ( Again ="=)

About Me.

Hi Hi ! (Again) My name is Thitwan Nantha. My nickname is Mean. About my name meaning Thitawan mean east and Mean mean Pisces ( Thai people call that ra-si-mean) because my birthday is amidst Pisces (31 March 1988). My charecter I'm shy boy. (="=) I like to attend than talk but if I talk I will frank talk, this is result why many people don't like me. (I think)

I'm a self-willed and easy to angry and easy too happy too. Many peple think about me is serious man because I'm hard of smile and I alway to talk about academic. I don't like to enjoin party and I don't like to play sport,I think this is one result to have little friends.

About my Family.

In my family. I have 2brothers and one cousin. Frist brother he is 20 year old. he is artful about english but he is very lazy. he like blissfulness.He use many time with his's girlfriend. Second brother he is abnormal but he have ability too.he is 17 year old.He can't learn same other student but he have art ability since he was child. Sometime he very fool and sometime he is very genius too. And last he is my cousin. He is 18 year old. He is bad boy. he have many friends (but his's friends isn't good) he like to fight and dogmatic. He alway to make problem to my family.Sometime he is piteous. He not have father and mother same other family.

Then in my family we live with grandmother and my mother. I not have father same other family, I don't know why he gone. My grandmother she is very annoying. She like to bitch but she naver to do evething. (I don't know what she do (bitch) for?). My Mom she is very artful but she is very bitch too. She is very like cleanness and she is classy cook.

About My Free Time.

When I have free time I alway to listen music. I can listen Thai or internation music. I like that !! I can listen many music styled. Sometime I use free time to play many game. I can play many game's styled.For example PC , online game , RPG , Action ...... But I live online game than other is I play because In online game I have many friends. I can do everything in online world. Sometime I met friend,who from foreign country. I very exciting.

So This is all about me.
