Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wai kru's day

To day I have date wait my friends. We are gone to meet teacher in high school. I woke up at 6.00 a.m. than I toke shower, cooked breakfast and does home work. After finish I called my friends for ask where are meeting point. We decided to date at bus stop in front of Summakron village, I came first. During I wait, I cast about garland for salute teacher. I bought it about one hundred and fifty bath, its look like expensive but worthy for this day.After half hour my friends were come. He want to buy garland too, He bought a lot. Than we came to high school by taxi. In high school it same my age. But it’s having some differ. They cut a lot palm for build forecourt. It's have a lot students. When I see them, I felt since I study.We decide to meet friend's adviser first.

In third we met friend’s adviser. She looks like happy when she met us. I apart and gone to find my adviser too. I met her at fifth I salute and told a lot. She ask me about my university record and my condition and when I answer, she look like worry. It's make my feeling bad too. Then I came to find next teacher. He is teacher's arithmetic. I talk little because he has class for teach.

After that I come to met friends at canteen. We talk about guide's day for junior.Finally I came to university for study. I still worry about my future. I don't know this way is I choose I best for me. I not sure for my goal.
By. Excel

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