Monday, June 11, 2007

Busy in weekend...

Weekend Weakend
Past 1

Today is weekend many people use this day to rest but not me.I have many work (homework too) to does it.I woke up at 8.00 A.M. I very sleepy and hungry. Today I must gone to renew my scholarship in ABAC than gone to buy cadet's costume. After I think my plan I sudden to taken shower and does my busy in home.(clen my house and cook)I got out as bored (be in sleepy).'It too morning for me' I think. I reach in ABAC at 10.00 A.M. It very hot and busy. It have many cars, many men, many annoyance. I sudden gone to C building and ask about 'how to renew scholarship?'. She told me that 'you must does to Bangna campus and go to CL building on 14 floor.('Arr.. it too far'. I think.)Before I gone I saw many people in law'student zone. They are very busy. I hear something form them, I thing thay talk about freshcy's camp but I not sure. Then I decided came to ask them and on the beam. They will come to camp. I very confuse so I ask again 'what time to go'.and they answer (as confuse too). They will go to day now. Suddenly I hear I very angry because I never to know that camp day but I pay too much money to go. I ask them about my problem but them no care. They told my that 'It your awry you are not contact to senior.' Than I hear I exploded to them and gone out of ABAC. 'Not contact to senior' I Think as very angry. 'suck senior' I murmur. I came to ABAC (Bangna campus) by van. When I reach, I sudden gone to CL building on 14 floor. In ABAC it very beautiful and attractively. Many building look like Eulope stiy. When I came It have many people wait to renew same me. I called to my mother for assign my ammo. I wait, wait and wait. It's too late,

I think. My mother arrived at 14.00 P.M. I use many time for renew but it's not yet because my ammo is deficient. I came home at 17.00 P.M. It's too late for buy cadet's costume, I think. But I not finish I must go to my mother for contact his'busy. Arr.. It very busy day I want to rest,

I think(again = =")

By Excel.

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