Monday, June 18, 2007

Busy Apply
Past 2

I woke up at 6.00 a.m. and now I very busy. Because I should woke up since 5.00 a.m. but my alarm was broken. I must go to installation at 7.00 a.m. and I have only one hour to gone. I too far and this time is very busy (work time city). I decide to gone by taxi. It's very fast but very expensive too. I arrived at 6.40 a.m. but I not ready to apply because I not change logo no my shirt. I came to tailor but it's easy, it have many people for change logo too. I use many time for wait. Than I came to meeting point. In that here I get new friend (he's senior too). He is funny and kind (Sometime he looks like kid too = ="). We came to wait apply but is too long for waiting, so I came to ask my adviser. But now I sudden know because I forgot to assign my application ( = ="). We use a little time to finish apply (too fast than i think). After I came home, I sudden to toke shower but during I came to bad, it have ring on my phone. My friend call to my that he want to lead on Ramkamhang univercity, he want to apply (apply again). I went out again to apply. But I should came back to home again because I must to change my costume ( = ="). I came to Ramkamhang University at 14.00 a.m. (it's too hot). I hurry to come to meeting point, my friend was long waiting. When I arrived I meet somebody, I don't know. My friend told me she is senior for help freshman. She is very kind and friendly. Ramkamhang University was very friendly when I lost way or not understand about how to apply, they are come to help all day long. Apply in Ramkamhang University was so tired than ABAC because I must go to building to building by walk, It's so far. I went upstairs to downstairs and downstairs to upstairs again. I use two hour for finish apply but my friend can't apply because he forgot his's ammo. After that we are move to different places, he must went to police station and I want to came back home. When I came home I sudden went to sleep. It's is busy weekend (I think again = =").
By Excel.

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